Friday, August 5, 2011

Shoes for Haiti

How many times do we have old shoes we need to get rid of AND we wish we knew someone we could share them with who would actually find them useful? Well, we do!!! If you have recently gotten new shoes for school and have an old pair or two laying around (they can be adults or children's), consider donating them to the people in Haiti!

We have a great opportunity to provide these new or used tennis shoes/athletic shoes (in decent condition) to these people - which helps us to get rid of unneeded shoes and helps others to have a pair ( a double blessing!!) Friends of ours just returned from a trip there and had this to say, "While working the shoe depot at Lifeline Christian Mission, we were able to see how the simplest act can be life changing. A five year old boy had to be carried to the shoe depot because his shoes were so small that he wouldn't walk. Upon finding a pair of shoes that were the right size, this sweet child was able to run out the door!"

Please consider donating any ATHLETIC shoes that you have but do not need by contacting me (see contact page). I will make sure that they are delivered to the appropriate people who will put a new pair of socks inside each pair, band the shoes together, mark the bottoms with size and separate the shoes (Women’s, Men’s, Boy’s & Girl’s) into boxes before shipping them to the Haiti shoe depot.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Operation Backpack {Volunteers of America}

Less than 25% of homeless children graduate from high school and nearly 12,000 Ohio children in enrolled in grades K-12 are homeless. You can help lessen the burden these children face on the first day of school by making a donation to Operation Backpack, a campaign benefitting homeless and at-risk children in Central Ohio. Through Operation Backpack, Volunteers of America provides backpacks and school supplies as well as a variety of support services to homeless children in our after-school and summer program. To learn more, visit our Operation Backpack page. (August 1-19, 2011)